Self Myofascial Release Techniques is a fancy way to say Foam Roller Training
First its important to know just what is fascia and myofascia.
Fascia is the tissue located between the skin and the underlying structure of muscle and bone, and forms a seamless web covers and connects the muscles, organs, and skeletal structures in our body. The fascia is responsible for maintaining our body’s structural integrity, supporting our posture, and acting as a shock absorber.
Myofascial refers collectively to the tissue and the myscle. Together, the muscle and fascia form the myofascial system. The myofascial system is a totally unified structure that is present throughout your posture without any interruption. Myofascial release is a Rolfing therapy targeted at the fascial system and posture.
Myofascia is the layer of loose but strong connective tissue often containing fat covering and investing all muscles; an aponeurosis. The intrinsic connection between muscles and muscle fibers with connective tissue, fascia.
Under a microscope, myofascia resembles a spider web or fish net. It is very organized and very flexible in a healthy state. myofascia can best be described as a complete body suit which runs from the top of your head down to the bottom of your toes. It is continuous, has no beginning or end and can be found almost everywhere in your body. Like yarn in a sweater the entire body is connected to every other part of the body by the fascia. It is a continuous weave of material. And, like a pull in a sweater, damage to an area of fascia can effect other distant areas in your body even years later. This outer fascial covering is very strong and very flexible. In fact, it has a tensile strength of over 2000 pounds.
In the normal healthy state the fascia is relaxed and soft. It has the ability to stretch and move without restriction. When you experience physical trauma or inflammation the fascia loses its pliability. It can become tight, restricted and a source of tension throughout the rest of the body. Trauma such as a fall, whiplash, surgery or habitual poor posture has a cumulative effect over time and myofascial release can help.
In a healthy body fascia helps to maintain good posture, range of motion and flexibility. It also gives our bodies tremendous strength and helps us deal with stress and injuries. In the normal healthy state the fascia is relaxed and soft. It has the ability to stretch and move without restriction. When you experience physical trauma or inflammation the fascia loses its pliability. It can become tight, restricted and a source of tension throughout the rest of the body. Trauma such as a fall, whiplash, surgery or habitual poor posture has a cumulative effect over time and myofascial release can help.
Being trained on how to properly use Fascia Rollers aka. Hard Foam Rollers properly can help relieve things like:
Low back pain
Neck stiffness
Shoulder injuries
Arthritic conditions
Sports injuries………
Plus many more
To summarize, fascia is like a superficial body suit which allows us to move freely, breath properly and perform our daily tasks pain-free. It spans the whole body and is totally connected as one piece of material. It is called “the tissue of movement”.
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